deathly afraid of flies. When a fly gets in the house, he LOSES it and starts pacing around with his ears back in the "disturbed" position and begs to go outside and refuses to come back in. Have you ever seen this? And if so, do you have any suggestions?
Favorite Answer
kill the flies and love your dog hes so old its ok to have these phobias not much you can do at his age
When a dog is afraid of a fly it does go a little hysterical like us when we r afraid but if ur dog is absolutely terrified then maybe you should try to calm him down, but not baby him because then he will think that being afraid is good. another think if it's in human yrs. then 14 is pretty old for a dog so he might be more concerned. but in dog yrs then he is still a little young and curious.
Yep-but with other types of dogs. Maybe just ask a vetenarion why your dog is soooo scared of flies. I would (if you have a backyard) let him outside as much has possible. Dogs need fresh oxygen.
Never seen it, im more a cat person. but get them fly nets on the doors to try and avoid the flys getting in. and get a fly swatter. even though its cruel to kill flys, its the best for your dog =D hope i helped x