Is it possible to offend trolls?

If so, what offends them?


Favorite Answer

I think they are in a constant state of offendedidity(?) because they are always grumpy


I have a unique nack of offending every one dear.

If I'm feeling sexist i offend the bra burners.

If i feel naughty i offend frosty knickers.

If i feel funny i offend people with little intellectual curiosity.

the list is endless angel, but in fact underneath it all i am a nice man, i just like to p*ss certain people off because i am forever getting suspended.


They get offended easily. Ignore them.

I hate carrots2008-04-13T08:27:03Z

I think people having fun on yahoo answers offends them.

Jack Rabbit2008-04-12T17:29:18Z

Shhhhhhhh! :)
I hear trolls don't like noise.
The sound of your breathing probably upsets them!
Also ... a witty sense of humor and
anything with an I.Q. over negative 2! LOL
They just can't stand it when others are
happy and enjoying a bit of fun!

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