Religious Cults?

There has been a lot in the news about these cults every whee, but who thinks that christianity is just like a cult on a larger scale


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That is a very good question. I have always wondered why when one church/compound in one town molests children it's call a cult but when the Catholic church does it to tens of thousands and has the money to avoid prosecution it's called a religion.$$$ think about it.


The definition of cult is a religious system.

Cult in terms of wacky bad dominating groups is not an official defintion but rather a cultural slang.

All relgion by defintion of being religious systems of worship are cults.


Yes & used to be one on a small scale.

I told one of my sisters how Christianity came from Judaism, she was so surprised. She looked like she didn't believe me, so I had my mom confirm it to her.
I called it "an offshoot cult from Judaism" & my mom got slightly mad and said that it wasn't a cult. lol


All religions are cults, by definition.

A new religion is always consider a "cult" by most people at first... then once it gets to be huge, it's considered a "religion".

Ode to the Damned® ÆA NR2008-04-12T18:06:05Z

According to the definition, Christianity is a cult.

[edit:] Cult (noun) - a particular system of religious worship, esp. with reference to its rites and ceremonies.

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