how does it feel to wake up everyday without anybody sleeping next to you?

olympics junkie2008-04-13T08:03:35Z

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I'm currently on a break with my boyfriend for 2 weeks, and We've lived together for over a year. When I wake up and I'm alone, I feel free and independent,t but waking up next to him makes me feel loved and comforted.


Sometimes nice - I can spread out over the whole bed.
Sometimes a bit lonely, it's always nice to have someone special.
It's rare for me anyway, cos the cat's usually stretched out beside me, hogging most of the bed!


awesome. I am married but I sleep on the couch. I am a horrible sleeper so I don't want to keep my hubby up. I love having the couch all to myself.


when you know you are sleeping alone you may not feel it is will feel shocked if you find someone near you in bed!it is nice to have companion near you of course.

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