I am a kindergarten aide I am having a slight problem w/ the teacher I work with. The teacher I work with gives the kids morning work when they first come in the morning w/ is usally a worksheet. Latly she has been giving them 4-5 worksheets to do in the moring in a ROW. Yesterday it was six worksheets. How do I tell her to please give them less worksheets. She is very open to new ideas i.e. centers but is lazy and it would all fall on me. I can see giving the kids one worksheet but I find SIX an exsessive amount for children to do in a row. Sometimes she will give a worksheet on a concept NOT even covered. She says she is getting ready for firsrt grade. I am there tring to explain a new concept w/ should of been introduced in circle time. That is how subtraction was introduced to the kids and measurement.
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Yes I agree too many worksheets. Students should have guided play then a worksheet practice guided and more play and then guided instruction and more play. Since you are an aide why don't you get your credentials to be a teacher so you can conduct your class properly ? Each state now has specific criteria for students to meet .. Maybe the teacher waited to the last minute or maybe the students are now mature enough to complete it or maybe she is trying to annoy you since you are just an aide.
I would very nicely approach her and just say that you've noticed that they've been getting more and more worksheets for morning work each morning and you think it might be a little much for them (I completely agree, 2 worksheets in a row is too much for kindergarten!).
While you've got her attention you might just mention that you think it would be best if the morning work page could reinforce a skill they learned the day before because you've noticed that the kiddos have been a little confused and frustrated because they don't know the information covered on the worksheets.
Tell her basically everything you just typed. Just be sure you approach her in a positive, helpful way. Not a judgemental "I told you so" way! :) She'll probably be more open to suggestion. Good luck! She's very lucky to have an aide that is so concerned for her students!
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