Is cheney lonely?

I was thinking that Cheney's hate and dishonesty was just typically Republican immorality, possibly brought on by the same stroke that gave him his sneer, but then I got to thinking.
Maybe he is just lonely. After all, he doesn't have many friends and he has a habit of shooting those he has. Perhaps if he had friends then he would treat the world like Second Life instead of like Doom. Maybe if he had the love of an honest woman, he would be quite as hateful towards others. He might even be sane enough to be a Democrat, although perhaps that is going too far.

I would just settle for rational behavior. After all, is that too much to ask from our commander-in-chief?

What do you think? Can extreme lonelyness bring on rampant Republicanism? Can not having a friend cause someone to start spying on his neighbors and torturing political prisoners?


Favorite Answer

I don't think that you should blame all Republicans for the actions of their elected leaders. Maybe Republicans voters do not understand cause and effect. It would explain why they are so anti-science and anti-education. Do you really think that people who knowingly elect immoral leaders are themselves immoral? You probably think that the person who hires a hit man is just as guilty as the hitman himself.


Yes, Maybe he'll give back all the money he stole from the American people & others to have love....Oh, but he can never make up for the torture his actions have brought to people. It's makes you appreciate your poor yet honest life when you look at him.

Ivor Hugh G.Rection2008-04-17T15:09:50Z

It might be the fact that his parents called him Dick.
