In the Taiwanese Drama Romantic Princess, what relationship is the Nan Feng Family to the Hunag Fu Family?

Is the Nan Feng Family like the family of Emp's sister?

And why is Emp called Emp? Is it short for his English name, his title or somethingelse?


Favorite Answer

The Nan Feng family is not related to the Huang Fu family. The boys of the Nan Feng family were adopted/taken in by Emp so that one would become his successor.

Emp is short for Emperor.

I'm pretty sure all three questions were answered in the 1st episode. :)

Sarah S2008-04-17T23:06:21Z

im not quite sure but i think it's because the Hunag Fu Family didn't have any guys to be successors so the Nan Feng Family was raised to be the successors

emp is short for emperor, which is kind of what he is.