
Did you feel the earthquake this morning 4/18/08? What where you doing? Did it scare you?


It happened on the border of Ind and ILL. But aftershocks where felt in Ky, which is where I live!


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Not on my side of the world. I think it heard on the news it was in the midwest somewhere.


Yes I felt the earthquake! I was in the bathroom when it happened around 4:00 am or so. It scared the crap out of me because the sink started shaking and the windows rattleing.


I felt it I'm in Fort Wayne, IN and i was already awake on the computer when it started, it only lasted like 15-20 seconds for me i just noticed the monitor started shaking then i felt the floor and heard everything else shaking, it wasn't enough to be scary or anything its not like anything was in danger of being knocked over it was actually a pretty interesting experience lol.


In Louisville, KY we felt it I thought the apartment was going to collapse


I was sitting in the bed all by myself, what a waist! lol Doing college Alg. don't know what sucks worse, being in bed alone or doing school work!!!! It started around 5:36, and it scared the #@*% out of me!!! hell girl u didnt even know until I called you, you hooker!!! Love ya. Your *** slept all the way thru it, Now I can say" you could slept thru an earthquake!!!

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