Is there an online archive of old aerial photos similar to Google Maps?

Google Maps and similar services are very interesting and useful for seeing how things look now, or just about now, but are there any similar ways to look at the Earth at some specific past date (or the photo dated closest it)?


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You could try And I just read your answer on that "Do you believe in God?" Question, and im not to level 2 yet but if I was Id have definitely given your answer a thumbs up. People who ask questions like that are ignorant and gullible.


Search the web or try your state's Dept. of Transportation. I'm an engineer and use this stuff all the time. Try searching for sites that have GIS shapefiles, as those sites usually keep aerial images too. If possible, get them in MrSID format. You'll need to download MrSID reader from Lizardtech, but you can do more with the files than you can with JPEGs or TIFFs.