Why do some Filipinos type?

I'm wondering why some Filipinos type like...

...WuLA BaNg friEdchicKen??!!!..
...Gus2 ko friedchicklen...=[



azTig nyaahah


(Copy-pasted from imeem)

THAT. It's... I don't know, weird?

Can you explain why?


Favorite Answer

I don't know if it's a trend but most Filipino (especially teenagers) do that They want to put stress or they emphasize the last word of their statement (i guess, to exagerrate) and that's in addition to those overly used questions marks and exclamation points.

Another reason is because is because they want to be different...

"Ingat" means "take care" in English but I usually type it as Ingatz (that's with z!)


I know people that are not Filipino that type like that…

Bo T2008-04-18T18:46:36Z

Because they can.


hmm, never noticed that lol.

Intrepid Traveler2008-04-18T18:47:02Z


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