many non Christian say that cant believe in Jesus or the God of the bible until they have proof that it is true, however many have positions such as belief in nothingness, or reincarnation..the point is ,is that your current beliefs offer no proof either, it seems ironic to demand proof of God when you have demanded no such proof from your current beliefs.


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You are mistaking non-Christians with atheists. Atheists are the ones that state they wish proof before believing in ANY deity.

Buddhist are spiritual but don't believe in deities - they aren't demanding proof of your deity, they believe in spiritual growth.

Non-Christians DO believe, just not as you do. I don't EVEN begin to try and tell anyone that I have proof of my deities or religion (though there is just as much "evidence" for mine as there is for the Christian one). That's why religions are based on Faith, not proof.

MY religion is the correct one for me. One, because yours wasn't. Two, I explored several traditions and found this one is the one that is right for me and the deities were waiting for me to find them. Three, it was the religion of some of my ancestors.

Is it ironic that you believe in your religion and not in others and claim there's proof for yours but not mine?

Erica B2008-04-19T17:43:05Z

I have NO spiritual beliefs therefore I need NO proof. Can you prove that the Islam religion isn't the true religion? What about Judeaism? Maybe Pastafarianism?

My belief comes from reason, not just what I can't see but what I can see, have experienced and based on the nature and history of religion as a whole. Basicallly I questioned everything and read up on what didn't make sense. A simple history lesson was enough to convince me, then I started seeing in many ways how I had been led to believe in the brainwashing of the Christian society. That America was founded on Chritian principles is an example of one such belief that I found to be innaccurate. I based my beliefs only on what I was told and when I stepped out of my bubble and learned for myself it was easy to derive that what everyone else told me was only what they had been told and so forth.

I found Thomas Paine's "Age of Reason" to be a very valuable tool in establishing what I believed in.


I have none and I need none.

I'm a Buddhist.

It's a practice first and a belief system second.
It's generally the way they do things in the Orient. First, they teach you to meditate and offer you the texts to read. If it makes sense to you, you continue. If it doesn't, then it's not for you.

But the more I practice and the more it makes sense. So I kept practicing.

But one of the refreshing things I have found out about Buddhism, is that nobody ever told me you MUST believe this or that. They will tell you something like: This is what we believe. Keep practicing. In time, maybe it will make sense to you too.

I'm not disparaging your beliefs or anyone else's.
Just answering your question.

Janet L2008-04-19T17:54:34Z

I've never demanded proof, you are generalizing. The atheists are the one who say there is no god so take it up with them. I know I said atheists and not some of the atheist.

I personally feel the the christian religion as it is taught today is false and I will not follow a religion that is false.


Why do we have to prove anything, face it we don't need to depend on a higher power, we don't need to know how everything came into existence, and just because you can't understand the science behind the big bang theory and evolution doesn't automatically make your beliefs right.

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