what is emo??

ok what the heck is emo, i see it everywhere, emo clothes, emo makeup, emo hairstyles?? what is it for crying out loud??


Favorite Answer

emo is when you are into punk and goth things, especially things that are black. emos are usually depressed and cut themselves.
emo is an abreviation for "emotional"
so emo makeup, hairstyles ect. would be mostly black.
this is what alot of emos look like :

not all. but some


it comes from emotional.
it is when someone cuts theres wrists to release pain.
those people dress in emo clothing because they are just unhappy.
there is also emo music
xN hope this helps


emo stands for emotional.
emo is a type of clique. (jocks;preps.)
the ones that are emotionally distressed && are
fond of the down side of things or may be suicidal.
&& every clique has their accessories.
like their clothes makeup && etc.
which usually contain colors like
black && gray or really bright colors.
depends. <3


emo is short for emotional and it origanated with people cutting them self


a bunch of cry babies that dont get enough attention. so they dress weird and look like idiots! its short for Emotional....they cut them selves. they are truly have a few screws loose

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