What can I do now?

I know it seems weird but I am a guy who isn't comfortable being a guy (*gasp! All homophobes at once: "thats wrong!" me: "I dont care, shut up!"*)

What can I do to be more comfortable as me without getting any hormone treatments or surgery? I know there are little things but I am becoming more and more feminine and I like it, but I want it to be within social acceptance, because some people I know will literally kill me if they knew this.

OMG Shny Pkmns ^_^2008-04-21T16:53:10Z

Favorite Answer

First of all, You should be yourself.

Are you gay or trans gendered?

gay is when you know you're a guy, you feel it in your heart and your brain tells you so, but you still like other guys.

trans gendered is when you have male parts but, your mind tells you you are a girl.

Now, if you're gay, you're gay. you should just be yourself and if your friends don't like it, find new friends. if you are scared for your safety move away. you should never have to pretend to be something your not, that is harder than coming out, honestly.

If you're transgendered i would say speak to a therapist and get some idea's of different excersizes you can practice.

You should do what you feel comfortable with and what makes you happy.

regardless of what society says is correct, and regardless of what your friends and family think.

if they love you, they will accept you in the long run. it just may take some time to get over the incipient shock.

Its about love not gender. :)


Ok. I think you are totally adorable! (the way you talk I mean) OK. For me, I am not gay or uncomfortable being a woman, But I do have a low self esteem which is kind of the same... in some aspect. But what I do to help myself like myself more is. When I wake up or pretty much whenever I see myself in the mirror I look at myself. and tell myself that I am who I am and I love who I am and if others don't accept me then they can bite me. I see NOTHING wrong with being gay/lesbian. I think everyone is equal. For the people who would literally kill you.... um. . . I'm not sure.. I'm really sorry I am no help in that spot. But if you ever need to get anything off your chest and just talk. Email me anytime .

Smooches! and Good Luck.

Wandering Jay2008-04-21T20:06:12Z

You could go see a professional about counseling. If you don't want hormones or surgery you don't have to get them, it's not mandatory.

It's really tricky these days to stay within everybody's social norms, even with the boundaries pushing outwards.

Ultimately you should do whatever feels right for you, and have people in your life who will care for you and support you no matter what gender you turn out to be.

*hugs!* Good luck!


I would say just express yourself however you would like. It's actually getting more and more common to see guys with makeup (especially eyeliner) and/or nail polish. Plus with the metrosexual craze, more feminine fashion is in (think skinny jeans, tight tops). I don't know if superficial things will really help with what is going on inside of you, though, so I would suggest you find someone to talk to. Whether it be a counselor or someone else who has gone through the same thing, talking face to face with someone you trust can only bring about good results. Good luck!!

Kaka K2008-04-21T16:51:37Z

In the beginning I thought I was just a girl stuck in a guy's body. I am extremely sensitive to the word "MAN" because i dont feel like I will ever amount to it. In the end I realized I was just confused..and that I have different mind-set. I dont think I think like a typical guy..I feel like a bit of feminism is mixed in. Not saying your confused, just sharing a personal story.

Do what I do...I wear a ring every now and then. I love rings Sooo much. Sometimes, I put on a scarf, a whole bunch of rings, and nice leather shoes (man's though:d ) and just do my normal activities. try something like that..that allows for yourslef to be expressed

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