women is it true?

is it true that women don't like men with gray hair. i have a little gray in my gotee. should i color it?

Annie Biznatch2008-04-21T17:37:54Z

Favorite Answer

I like it, but I'm sure other women aren't too fond of it.


I dont like gray hair,but I know some women that do. It really just depends on their age! Do whatever you like with your gray hair!

Katie P loves metal2008-04-22T00:38:19Z

gray hair is just fine.

i mean it might be a little odd if you were completely gray by like age 22. but....you earned those gray hairs! keep em!


I personally don't think men look bad with gray hair -- on their head that is. I think it can add charm.

I definitely would not recommend colouring your facial hair though (wouldn't that be bad for your skin??). If you dislike your facial hair, you could remove it if you think it ages you.

ɴacιdo del aмoя2008-04-22T00:41:26Z

gray hair is a fact of life....

if a women can't accept it.....then she needs to grow up...and if she needs to grow up...then you need to go out with older women...lol!

just be yourself and confident...that is what attracts women....if you've got some gray hair....psh..who cares..

i'm too...young to really think it's sexy......sorry...BUT...if i was older...then no i'd find it quite acceptable...

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