RAM or no RAM?

I've got an older computer running Windows XP and its a got a 1.6 Ghz AMD Athlon processor and 256mb of RAM and its running kind of slow. Is it worth for me to drop fifty bucks on an extra gig of ram?


Favorite Answer

Yes. You will notice the difference by upgrading the RAM. It is well worth it if you intend on using the computer. $50 is a pretty good deal on RAM. Make sure your computer can handle what you intend to put in by using the scanner at www.crucial.com


I'd say yes, but expect to have to upgrade to a newer pc soon. With XP loosing support and Vista taking over, more programs will be requiring a stronger CPU. For now, the extra $50 is worth every penny. I would look into new components within the next 6 months or so. Maybe just a new CPU running at least 2.2GHz. If you know your socket number and make, you can get good CPUs from many different places.


I don't really know what kind of RAM you're talking about because the older the system is the more money that you have to pay for the RAM of this system,Why ?
because they no longer making RAM for old model sooooo we're talking about $100.00 to $150.00 but it is worth it if you're
Low on cash otherwise,buy a new system
and take advantage of the latest new technology of today & enjoy it.


This is definitely a cost effective upgrade considering the alternative of buying an new computer. Not to mention, one of the easiest upgrades that you can easily do yourself.

I've got a father-in-law who I've finally convinced of a similar upgrade. It's a night and day difference. He was considering a new computer up to that point.

Enjoy the memory upgrade! :)

s j2008-04-22T01:05:06Z

Go here and click on "scan my system" and see what your grade options are.
It will also show you the speed of your current ram. If you can put faster ram in yanks the slower 256 out and put a GB of the faster ram in.

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