Circular reasoning for lack of campaign contributions.?

People give money to candidates for a lot of reasons. And people don't give money to candidates for a number of reasons too. The one I really wonder about is those who say, I'm not giving any money to (insert your candidate here) until they do this(insert your issue and desired outcome).

I wonder how they think this will really happen, it's like the old saying, you can't get a job, without experience, and you can't get experience without a job. Same with credit and a loan, or chicken and the egg. Basically, it's circular reasoning. I won't help you get elected untill you fix my problem and you can't fix my problem untill you get elected.

Now we have chickens and eggs, we have jobs and experience and we have loans and credit so people do find a way into the loop, so to speak, I'm just wondering how you expect to get there?

Please answer only if you do feel this way about your own political donations.


My apologies that you didn't understand the question, I'll consider rephrasing.


Favorite Answer

I think the reason we are seeing such high voter turnouts, for a primary even, is that people aren't thinking like that.

There is going to be change regardless and people are excited. McCain may not be able to read a teleprompter, but at least he can read. That's a change.

I don't think it's remotely realistic to expect anyone to expect a presidential candidate to get results before going into office. But that being said, I did more by campaigning for City Council than I would have been able to do if I actually won.

I go by issues, as I think a lot of people do these day. Does the candidate support what I support.

