Advise for Hysterectomy surgery?

I am badly looking for some expert advice of hysterectomy surgery. The treatment, number of days required for hospitalization and period for normal life after the surgery etc.

Thanks in advance.


Thank you Debbie.

My wife has to undergo for this surgical treatment. Answer to your questions:
1. She is having fibroid in uterus. Once removed around 4 years back and now again it found. It caused secondary infertility. (We have only one child 10 years old). Now our doctor advised to remove the uterus.

2. She is 35 years old. General health is normal, little obese.

3. It is not a vaginal but abdominal hysterectomy.

Hope the above explanations would help you for a proper advice.

Thanks again.


Favorite Answer

To answer your question i would need to know a couple of things, 1-why do you need the hysterectomy? do you have fibroids, dysfunctional bleeding, cancer? Each of these would have a different recovery period as well as having to decide what type of hysterectomy you need.
2- how old are you and what is the status of your general health.
3- Is it a vaginal or abdominal hysterectomy
Recovery from a hysterectomy will depend on how you answered the above questions and many others. Numerous factors can and will effect your recovery.
An average recovery time is 4-6 weeks from either the vaginal or abdominal hysterectomy. Again it will depend on individual circumstances.
Hospital stay range from 1-5 days.
It does take a while to regain your energy and stamina, again depending on what you had done and your medical history. However, You should see progress on a daily basis.


If you suffer from uterine fibroids then you need Fibroids Miracle by Amanda Leto from here .
Fibroids Miracle is the most used organic program that can help you eliminate your uterine fibroids quickly and safely.
The Fibroids Miracle system by Amanda Leto is an all natural treatment that discusses the root reason for your Uterine Fibroids and not merely the symptoms.
In Fibroids Miracle system you won't find recommendations for severe prescription drugs with unpleasant negative effects and unlike many normal therapies for fibroids which are relatively unlikely or extremely challenging, Amanda Leto's Fibroids Miracle book offers a highly practical process which may be integrated into your everyday life.


i had a full hysterectomy when i was 25. i was in hospital for 3 days. my surgery was abdominal so depending what method is used you can expect to be in there for minimum 3 days. i pleaded to go home. it will be six weeks before lifting anything and doing anything strenuous. i felt great relief with mine as i needed one badly so the pain afterwards was not a problem for me. normal life for me was around 6 months after surgery. everyone is different but whatever the doctors tell you please adhere to their advice and instructions. i wish you well


Fibroids, also called uterine leiomyomas, are extremely common non-cancerous muscular tumors of the uterus. About 80 percent of women develop this problem by the age of 50. Learn here

The exact cause of uterine fibroids is still not known. Factors like genetics, abnormalities in the blood vessel or vascular system, hormones and other growth factors play an important role in the development of fibroids.

Dana N2008-04-22T10:15:52Z

I would recommend to take a second opinion from a profesional, take all ur lab results, and tests done.

Sorry I don't know much about Hysterectomy, but I hope ur wife gets better soon. She will need ur support during these days.

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