Has American Idol jumped the shark?

The phrase "jumping the shark" is a defining moment when you know that your favorite television program has reached its peak...it goes downhill from there. It comes from an episode of Happy Days where Fonzie jumped a shark on water skis. some see that as the high point of the Happy Days franchise.


Mary B2008-04-22T15:48:23Z

Favorite Answer

I think you have got a good point here and I think that idol has probably peaked... it has had a very good run already.

I just seen another similar question at http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080422134637AAm9Bid&r=w&pa=FZptHWf.BGRX3OFPgTxdWVLZb79AHgExn3yBr7_tS8I02yLUIw--&paid=answered#Fs0qAHLFEUaE5iBC8iJC and they said that you can win an apple iphone by saying if this years contestants are better than last years.


I've watched the show on and off over the years, not a 'die-hard fan', but lately I've heard some of the people on the show have already had record contracts and cd's out there, which taints its' status as a vehicle for finding a NEW star who would benefit by a record contract.
I guess I would be on the ramp contemplating the shark thing here before jumping to conclusions or sharks.

The Snappy Miss Pippi Von Trapp2008-04-22T09:57:27Z

How could it jump the shark, when it was ludicrous from the start.

All those "singers" desperately trying to sound alike. Pop music is just dreck these days -- sustaining a high note for a few seconds is considered some wondrous feat, whereas opera & theatre singers have been routinely doing it for centuries. And the black gospel technique of shoving 53 notes into a single beat of music is sublimely annoying.

American Midol is inane and irrelevant.

Maple Leaf2008-04-23T05:40:20Z

I am not a die hard fan but I try to keep up with what is going on. Wouldn't miss the show though.


I think it has
it is just getting redundant same old thing not much new just new faces
I stopped watching about 2 yrs ago..

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