Anyone see the article about the USA once having a historic plan to take/invade Jamaica, Barbados and Bermuda?

Anybody else catch de news story today? Saying that the United States at one time had a plan that if they went to war with Britain they would take over Britain's Carib'n islands and turn them into US States and territories???

Anyone else see it?
"Red" = Britain
"Crimson" = Canada

[ . . . ]
The planners anticipated a war "of long duration" because "the RED race" is "more or less phlegmatic" but "noted for its ability to fight to a finish." Also, the Brits could be reinforced by "colored" troops from their colonies.

The stakes were high: If the British and Canadians won the war, the planners predicted, "CRIMSON will demand that Alaska be awarded to her."

Imagine that! Canada demanding a huge chunk of U.S. territory! Them's fightin' words! And so the American strategists planned to fight England by seizing Canada. (Also Jamaica, Barbados and Bermuda.) And they didn't plan to give them back.

[ . . . ]

See link below.


Article: Raiding our neighbors
Date: Published Friday, April 25th, 2008
Source: - Fargo, North Dakota / Peter Carlson,
Washington Post§ion=News&freebie_check&CFID=29172519&CFTOKEN=76197876&jsessionid=88305f3883b861282d15


The article on§ion=News&freebie_check&CFID=29172519&CFTOKEN=76197876&jsessionid=88305f3883b861282d15

Goes on to say...

Note that "Blue" means the United States.
and again....

"Red" = code word for Britain
"Crimson" = code word for Canada
[ . . . ]

“Blue intentions are to hold in perpetuity all CRIMSON and RED territory gained,” Army planners wrote in an appendix to the war plan.

“The policy will be to prepare the provinces and territories of CRIMSON and RED to become states and territories of the BLUE union upon the declaration of peace.”
(end quote)


Favorite Answer

Hahaha, I guess you've never heard of Defence Scheme No. 1?

Yeah, the Canadian invasion of America. Run across the undefended border, burn the norther states to the ground, and then run away before the slow, slow Americans can come around.

And then, its up to the Royal Navy to come and save us.


Like WTF? I agree with the person who previously commented... I live in one of those islands...


U.s good