Best 26" or 27" LCD TV you can recommend me?

I'm in the market now to buy a new TV after 20 years of use of my CRT television which is now showing signs of failure. I would like to get a TV (26" or 27" only please) that is the best quality that will last me a long time and price will not matter. I heard Sony's are good but I am open to other suggestions. Thanks in advance.


Favorite Answer

Sony is the ONLY one that I consider to be the BEST.

I see so many other Brands in at our shop and very rarely see a SONY....


I recently bought a 26" Panasonic LCD. It's quite good, alot of features...


Check out the SANYO, the picture is just as good as SONY!


This is good value tv with good stats.
i have one they work great.