Is this proof of being insane or being an a**hole?

OR both OR neither?

-Spending $100,000 on a birthday party for a 2 YEAR OLD-

Obviously, they have have lots of money. Good for them. But to squander THAT much money on a 2 yr. old that won't even remember it while all across the country ppl are losing thier homes,still don't have homes (from katrina) and everywhere ppl are hurting(financially).

And so I ask you this, too:

Do you consider the guilty party an irresponsible citizen or parent of the year?


Favorite Answer

Made me throw up.


OHH ,not at all.. On the contrary, I think they're doing a wonderful thing .. As one before said ,I have'nt a clue as to their other contributions that may be way over the top of my lil' heads comprehension.. Think of next years gift,,they'll probably have the child BRONZED,,,,, IN IT'S BABY SHOES.. This money and anyother money's they may have is well outta the park as to being responsible,This in my eyes is show boating..If they really wanted to do something speacial for the child ,they should have thought about starting a funding that would help the others less fortunant,in the chids name .. then,if something happens to them as it's happening around the globe they could at least say this is our life's gift to you from us .. The child would of at least known it's parents cared for all just as they did for it,. They'd have instilled compasion for others,which falls under a LOVE for humanity,not selfish gratification....

not at home2008-04-26T08:36:23Z

they sure must have a skewed view of reality
just at first glance they seem to fall under being an irresponsible citizen, altho i have no clue what they do to give back to their community, even spending that much seems ridiculous. But, with this crazy economy, they did spend their money on goods and services....

Princess Kat2008-04-26T08:35:18Z

I think spending that on any party is crazy if you have that kind of money what are you teaching your child how about donate to a fund in their name each year to help other children buy toys take to the hospitals something that counts!

[вαвÿ løṿε]2008-04-26T08:36:13Z

that is insane they could have done that for a 1/5th of that if not less!! people who are well off need to understand how people are sufferin day to day grind, no water, no shelter. never mind an over the top do for ur 2 yr old.

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