Paper or plastic?

Out of those 2 choices, which one is better for the environment AND which one do YOU use?


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Firm believer in paper , it's recycalabilities out weigh plastics by all measure of standards. Not the idea of it's 20 span of deterioration ,but it puts more pollutants in the air when it's recycled over ,it has to have another shot of petroleum to be reworked and most the time they rip just as quickly as a paper bag. There's no insulating properties as to one on one ,like paper .. Plus we dont have to cut anymore tree's to keep the ones that are out in use.. Tree's are mostly cut for building now... Let's start making plastic houses so they last over 200 years instead of the little trinket things we use,. Just an opinion though.The rain forest are my greatest concern right now...



Daughter of King Jesus2008-04-26T16:00:13Z

Plastic better for environment, but paper better for me cause it holds more.

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