Would you pick the job of your dreams for minimum wage or the job of your nightmares for a very high salary?

What IS that job?

Example: if you pick job of your dreams, then what is the job of your dreams?
and if you pick job of your nightmares, what is the job of your nightmares?


Favorite Answer

Job of dreams and start my own company.


Watch Dirty Jobs, you'll see the ones I don't like. And if I had a family to provide for, I'd take the one I don't like for more money. But if I didn't have a family to provide for, I'd take the one with the less salary. But the job of my dreams usually makes a lot of money.


Job of my dreams...but the job is to be a midwife, and teach the Art of caring for children/ breastfeeding helping each other as Family's in need, I don't even need to be paid , but it would help as we have Nada!


Job of my dreams ; Doctor for underprivalidged family's with kids... the return of their smiles would be suffice.......................The job of my nightmares, going back to war,doing the recon thing,this time with better equiptment so as I could look into my preys eyes........ thought is all...............

private dancer2008-04-26T20:02:04Z

be happy
follow your dreams