How many of you use an opposite-sex role online?

I am a male, but I use everything online as if I was female except for medical stuff.

All my friends knowledge that I am not a male inside, and some even call me Sarah in real life, but that isn't exactly relevant to the question.



And I mean I am a guy, but I am a girl at mind (so to speak)


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If you are transsexual and you're male but you feel like a girl inside, you're a girl hon not a guy. You're not pretending.

If you think of yourself as a boy and you're a boy then you're not transsexual


I don't I am a lesbian fem so that's what I am online as. The only site I be on anyway is Y/A in the LGBT section I like to keep it real not that it is anything wrong with it for those who do it I just don't.


Sometimes I like pretending to be a guy online, particularly when I talk to guys . . .

But that's mostly for cybersex and other sexy fun stuff, not so much as part of my actual identity.

bunny's sinead2008-04-27T15:10:56Z

yes I do
I am male, dress as female and am online with a female name
cos it makes me feel happy


I do..just because i say a lot of gay things and am not out of the closet. so usually, i use female orientation.

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