Where's the bestest place in the whole world to buy pajamas?

I'm going to a Cuddle Party on Wednesday and I want to be the girl with the most cuddles.

1. Pajamas stay on the whole time.
2. You must ask permission and receive a verbal "yes" before you touch anyone. (Be as specific in your request as you can.)
3. You don't have to cuddle anyone at a Cuddle Party, ever.
4. If you're a yes, say yes. If you're a no, say no.
5. If you're a maybe, say no.
6. You are encouraged to change your mind from a yes to a no or a no to a yes anytime you want.
7. Respect your relationship agreements and communicate with your partner.
8. Get your Cuddle Lifeguard On Duty or Cuddle Caddy if you have a question or concern or need assistance with anything during the Cuddle Party.
9. Tears and laughter are both welcome.
10. Respect people's privacy when sharing about Cuddle Party and do not gossip.
11. Arrive on time.
12. Be hygienically savvy.

I can’t help but think that #12 should be a little higher on the list.


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Kinda sounds like a lesbian fantasy dream I had once, but with too many rules. Rule 12 in particular appears to be a little restrictive.


The first rule of Cuddle Party is never talk about Cuddle Party. Since I like supporting the children in third world countries I'd find some nice Kathy Lee pajamas and buy them so somebody's child will have a job.


I have never heard of this Cuddle Party.

but some of the better places to buy pajamas would be Target or Victoria's Secret.


I'm crazy at these things so some sissy in attendance is going to need a safe word.

#1s cool cause I like dry humping. And I shower once a week. Giddie up


#3 is confusing me. Let's go to a cuddle party and not cuddle??

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