How do baby shoe sizes work??

I feel kinda ridiculous at the moment but my little girls are growing out of thier size 6 (toddler shoes) and I can't find the next size up...I was able to buy my litte boy 7's and he's now in 9's but now that girls need them I can't find them is there something I'm missing??


the thing is...size 6's don't fit and than the next size I can find is Way to big


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ok - that is weird - my daughter is a 6 and a half and i had no problem buying 7's recently for her.

i'm living in Ireland and i dont know where your from, but i'm sure there has to be some shops that do it?

why not order off the net?


try to ziee them


shoes dont do work, as there is no change in potential energy...c'mon.