All of a sudden my password doesn't work for yahoo?

My other name was "" and suddenly the password just stopped working. Even on messenger, I had it saved so I didn't have to type it in and it won't work. Before I get the silly "Check your caps'' response, the caps is not on, I've tried every intelligent thing imaginable to get it to work. It's not my cookies or a restricted site, my other yahoo names work fine. When I try using the forgot y password feature, it says to contact yahoo for more help and gives me a link, but the link just takes me to trouble shooting and not a place where I can actually e-mail and ask what the heck is going on?

Why can't I log into that name anymore? It wasn't banned for answers or anything either

kris switz2008-04-30T17:19:27Z

Favorite Answer

Lots of people, mainly young people and students, have had their Yahoo webmail accounts hacked. Their passwords and details have been changed so that when they try to contact Yahoo customer service, Yahoo treats them like total strangers. Sound familiar?

This can happen as a result of hacking with malicious intent, trojans and keyloggers because you do not have a firewall or your firewall has been disabled or improperly configured. A firewall is a MUST online. Just as some people must have coffee, a PC online needs a firewall. Your PC has 65,000 ports which, without a firewall, are all wide open 2-way doors to your softwares. Trojans and other nasty applications roam the Internet continuously searching for computers which are not protected. When they find them, they install their payloads then report back to their masters.

Here's a site for free firewall to help prevent this sort of thing from happening:


There's a possibility that you've been hacked. Someone hacked your password, got into your account, changed the password and hijacked your Yahoo account.


you are not the only one having this problem.. i can't login using my other screen name... and i know of at least 2 other people who are having this problem.

i contacted customer service, and am waiting to hear back from them. :|


yes, yahoo mesenger server is down for maintainance