I'm a Zionist Christian...I think replacement theology is dangerous Who else loves Israel?

Jeremiaha said as long as the sun and moon continue so Israel will not cease being a nation before Me..the word regarding Abraham was to bless those that bless him and curse those that curse him...the psalms makes it clear that being a Jew was being circumcized in your heart(good thing for the ladies) and the old covenant was based on obedience..when David sinned psalm 51 is the right heart he did not approach God with his righteous acts but cried for mercy..As Christians we are to have a heart like Davids and we are also called to be obedient...He who loves me keeps my commandments...Amos9: "I will bring back the captives of My people Israel; They shall build the waste cities and inhabit; They shall plant vineyards and drink from them; They shall also make gardens and eat fruit from them. I will plant them in their land, And no longer shall they be pulled up From the land I have given them," Says the Lord your God...Christians support Israel!!!


Favorite Answer

1. Israel was not created by America. I highly doubt someone who is educated (and Jewish) wouldn't know the history of Israel.
2. "Zionism" refers to the belief that Jews should, and have the right to, live in Israel. I don't know how this is antithetical to Christianity.
3. Arabs in Israel have more freedom than Arabs anywhere else in the Middle East.
4. Are you aware of the concept that says Arabs are the master race? It's something very sinister, and very different from the Jewish concept (which one of the answerers doesn't understand) of chosenness, which says Jews were chosen to follow the laws of the Torah.


i've got not been to Israel (yet... i am going this summer season) yet i've got self belief a connection to it. i'm Jewish yet no longer a non secular Jew in any respect, yet my grandfather and his kinfolk had traveled to Israel and enjoyed it, so it looks like a element of my history. My maximum suitable pal is a million/2 Israeli, and her kinfolk are a number of the main suitable and nicest human beings I even have ever met. From what i know of Israel, i like it. i choose it to final perpetually. yet i choose peace too, and appropriate now i'm very upset interior the way Israel has been handling the conflict with Gaza. Too many killings, it quite is undesirable. I additionally help the advent of an self sustaining state of Palestine, they deserve their very own united states of america too. i choose peace so badly for Israel. My heart breaks for it, and for the Palestinians. Shalom, Salaam

Virginia B (John 16:33)2008-05-01T08:15:29Z

I also agree that replacement theology is dangerous, and I do love and pray for Israel. The Gentiles did not replace the Jews, we are "adopted" in, praise God!


Israel is a racist zionist state. Its atrocities have debased the Torah and Judaism and increased anti-semtism and the risk of nuclear war. Israeli war crimes caused Osama to bomb the Trade towers on 9/11. Israel - a strategic liability to America, a threat to world peace.


Decode this lyrics "Say you say me"
Everyone loves Israel.
Without Israel who can survive out there in time.
Only one with self lack of knowledge.
Is throwing pots and pans in bashing up one another from a woman's error from her kitchen without being aware of the mess out there.
While some were following in honouring and worshiping God.
Some were blindly following the dead Mummy with rotten stench of empty skeleton of skull and bones of failures and horrors of the past from someone else graveyards without being aware with self lack of knowledge.
Getting kick on the butts as casualty of the dead Mummy in not worshiping God.
Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49
What do you think?

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