How many people do you think......?

you've offended, today? Just a rough estimate.... ;)

Emma Jean2008-05-02T18:16:12Z

Favorite Answer

nice round number!
haven't been anywhere and haven't done anything!
poorly in bed all day...
so it wasn't me! I'm innocent I am! lol!!



Andrea H2008-05-01T15:54:44Z

About 3.

Ja'aj };>2008-05-01T23:32:17Z

Hi, Pretty girl...!
Counting you? heh (I haven't , have I?) I hope not.
Today...? I'm really not sure. It would depend on whether or not
a troll (or trolls-bleech) visited my profile page...
If none; then none.
I have been fairly inoffensive today. I've seen no one but the people I live with, and talked to practically no one.
So, if I haven't offended you, or Bree... I think I'm clear.
Why? What have you heard?

Fun Q. Thanks. }:>

The above is my official answer to the question,
and should in no way be construed as chatting.


Maybe a few. I was in a pretty good mood all day until about 2 hours until work was over and someone got on my last nerve!!! After that, I think I was pretty rude to some people. I think some people were trying to make small talk with me but I just hurried them out the door because they were in my way...

I'll say....2 for sure, 3-4 maybes...

I just remembered one more "for sure". I honked at the person in front of me on the way home to "get her fat @ss going" because she didn't go fast enough after the light turned green...

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