First Annual?

We are hosting a fundraising car show this year and plan to make it an annual event. I remember learning in school that the word "annual" notates an event that has already occured at least once. Some say that the "first annual" event is actually the second event marking the one year anniversary of the event. Other sources online say that it is now acceptable to use "first annual" to indicate that the event is to be planned on a yearly basis. Are there any substitutes other than "innagural" that can be used for the first show that will also indicate the intention of a yearly event?

Rick G2008-05-02T05:31:01Z

Favorite Answer

you could simply put "introductary of" in front of the show name and "anual" to help clarify, but i think first anual by itself is a perfectly good solution and will be understood.


I think "first annual" is as clear and understandable as you are going to get. It has been used enough that people will understand exactly what you mean when you use that phrase.

Hope this helps!