What size is a "NORMAL" liver?

My husnad went to the dr a few years ago. The Dr asked if he drank. He stated ..."a little". I would say a case a day is slightly more than a little... anyway, The dr said his liver is enlarged about 2 cm. Is that a Big amount? He wont stop drinking and said he will probablly dye drinking. What size is real bad? He alsready has a bloated body, dont eat a lot, and sleeps all the time.


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The size of a normal liver is about the size of an American football, and weighs about 3.3 pounds. Seeing as I am only a Biology student, I really don't know if 2 cm is a big amount. However, if the doctor made a point about it then my guess is it may be something to worry about. Hope this helps.


Yes! This is a bad sign honey, he is at risk of developing cirrhosis of the liver obviously. He probably has a fatty liver as well and may have been prescribed at least 1000mg of vitamin e a day. Its not your responsibility to make him stop drinking. he has to want to..do what you can. Good luck to you my friend.