Ok, for those of you who know me this might seem like a "weird" question for me to ask...?

But do you think it's healthy to actually start to "like" someone you talk to over the computer? It seems really silly and stupid to me, but this guy and I e-mail eachother like 2 or 3 times randomly throughout the day- (we've never met but we're going ghost hunting on sat)- and I HATE admitting it (b/c it makes me feel really lame), but I kind of like this guy...does that make me pathetic? I know I'll probably get a lot of "smart" remarks on this one- but I love cynics :) ... so bring it on ppl- your honest opinions please...


Favorite Answer

its the age old saying its not looks that count but what people are like on the inside. it sounds like you like him for who he really is and that is great. there is nothing wrong with that. you are, inevitably, going to get some "smart" remarks from even friends but if you truly feel like you like him then take the chance. what do u have to lose.


I don't think it's lame or weird at all. I mean there are so many ways to meet people over the internet-like all the dating sights.

I've actually met quite a few people from the internet. I've always met them in a very public place, and I'll have maybe someone with me when I meet them. Sometimes a friend comes with me, or I've met someone else at a Denny's before.

But be safe, drive your own car, and yes, make sure people know where you are. You can never be too sure. I've met my fair share of idiots before too.

Now about the feelings part. I think that yes, if you spend that much time talking to a person you will develop feelings for them, there's nothing odd about that at all.

Some people, yes, will think it's weird, but you know to each their own. I met my husband on line, we talked for a few months before we met and started dating. So no, it doesn't make you pathetic at all. Just be safe, take things slow, and make sure people know where you are just in case.

Good luck!


My good friend met and married a fantastic woman over the internet.They have been married for several years now.And only once did she try to kill him.haha.Go for it but be a bit careful about meeting him.If you do,make sure its during the day in a very public place.

sɢᴛ. ᴘєᴘᴘєʀ ᵃᵖᵖˡᵉ ˢᶜʳᵘᶠᶠ2008-05-04T20:02:03Z

Well, I can't say that it's a good thing, because this guy may not even be who you think it is. He could be a 47 year old hermit pretending to be __ years old.
And meeting him probably isn't a good idea, but if it's what you want...


Heh. Just wait until you meet him, and prepare to be disappointed. It's easy for us to fantasize and fill in the blanks when we meet someone online, and it's pretty much always in their favor. Plus, they're always putting their best foot forward online.

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