Why are there so many breaks taken when one chooses to answer inquiries on the new Yahoo answers?

It sometimes becomes annoying that the frequency of "coffee breaks" on Yahoo Answers disallows many users to participate as they would like. Why has this suddenly become apparent to many users since the change from "Ask Yahoo"? Inquiring minds want to know? Any hints?

Nurse chris2008-05-05T07:34:47Z

Favorite Answer

It's so annoying isn't it ,I was just going to ask what coffee they drank ? and it happened to me.


Yahoo is having technical difficulties. I like to say that Yahoo’s “coffee breaks” are long because not only do they drink pure Columbian coffee but they go to Columbia to drink it! That poor little burro has a hard time getting up and down the mountain to bring those fresh coffee beans.

They take so many "breathers" that we should send them some asthma inhalers.

Seriously, Yahoo has been known for a long, long time for having a lot of glitches. They think it’s cute to put those “breather” or “coffee break” messages because they don’t want to admit “We’ve screwed something up again so you, the users, just have to learn to live with it.”

Welcome to YaHELL.


Whatever the reason, it is annoying to me.