The return of Jesus Christ-if Jesus can return to this Earth anytime,then why do the gospels need preached?
I was watching the Oprah denies Christ video on you tube a few weeks ago and I heard that Jesus will not return to this Earth until the gospels are preached in all 4 corners of the earth,well I am confused I thought baby Jesus could come back to the earth anytime he wanted to, then if he can come back anytime he gets ready to then why do the gospels need to be preached in order for baby Jesus to come back to the Earth,does anyone know what we have to do in order for the gospels to get preached in the 4 corners of the earth, here is that video that will provide you with more details, I suggest watching this video first then answering the question,
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Would you believe that the Bible itself says that the Gospel was preached to the whole world already? (the whole world at that time) And Jesus said they wouldn't finish going thru the cities of Palestine before He returned. He also said that some standing in front of Him would still be alive at His return, and He also said that John the Baptist was the "Elijah to come" which would herald the Last Days. He also said to Peter "If I will that he (John) remain till I come, what is that to you?" He also said "every eye will see Him, even those who PIERCED Him." ("every eye" does not mean eyes yet to be born - yours and mine.)
So the everlasting Gospel will always be preached until the knowledge of the Lord is known to all. But as far as His return in glory and judgment, that is a past event (70ad) and indeed, the whole world (Palestine) at that time HAD heard the Good News before His return.
Christians are starting to see this more and more, but still, many will hold onto their preconceived notions of a future coming. It is a hard tradition to break; it is a major paradigm shift for many Christians, as it was for me! Jesus said His Kingdom is not of this world and it does not come with observation. It is a spiritual kingdom and it is here on earth, right now.
When you read carefully, Jesus didn't ever say the crucifixion was his intended means of redeeming mankind. The Apostles were at a loss as to how to act after the crucifixion, which had never been on the tables. They'd never been prepared for it and Jesus wasn't prepared for it either, but he'd done his work as a good rabbi, and spread lots of good ideas, some taken from sects, others from Greek philosophy, others from things he'd learnt in Alexandria and maybe in the Dead Sea communities. After Jesus it wasn't so much "how can we understand what Jesus taught" as "how can we make the disappearance of this prophet useful and tie it all up into a logical, new religion". Arguments about what Jesus's appearance and disappearance were supposed to mean went on for hundreds of years. In a few years' time we'll have the publication of the newly found Judas' Gospel. That will put a few cats among the pigeons. Let's hope we get the unadulterated version and not Benedict 16's version.
Wow Opera needs to open up her eyes...There is only one way to get to God and that IS through Jesus...and that woman was correct.....the gospel will be heard of in all 4 corners of the earth as described in the gospel....there are groups of people who live in places far away from people and have had supernatural visits from Christ....and when researchers have gone searching for groups like this these occurances have been documented....also...there are thousands and thousands of groups who have been going to third world countries and other places that havent had contact with other people and they have been teaching the word.....the gospel will be preached and taught all over the world....if you have even noticed lately...the talk of Jesus and religion has been a huge topic in the papers and over the world....some people just dont make themselves aware as to what is going on on the earth....and as for people who live around us who claim they never heard the Word....well just over hearing a converstation about it from others or hearing the name Jesus in a song or on those enough for you to say to yourself....whats that let me learn about that....i mean people over hear a converstation about nitendo wi and all of a sudden they want to know everything about should be the same of Jesus and Our Father....if you have an open mind and heart toward hearing the word or being prayed for....theres no doubt you wont experience will happen....and the reason why the gospel has to be heard all over the earth is so that everyone would have had theopportunity to accept Jesus and be cleansed of all sin....So take your opportunity've read've read other questions and other answers given....this could be your accept Jesus and ask for forgiveness.....and accept God into your heart..........if you havent...then when you are facing judgement and you say youve never heard of Him before or never had the opportunity to accept him or didnt know how.......He will take you right to this moment and show you you have....
So accept Jesus....He only wants you to be be a better person....whats so wrong with that....people deny something good....i dont understand that.....He has changed my life.....and so many others....and He wants you to be if you are it now...accept Him into your heart...Say Lord I know I have sinned....I know i have denied you in the past...but right now I ask that you come into my sorry....forgive me of my sins....fill me with the knowledge and strength i need to stay away from temptations and stay close to you.....Show me your truths....Thank you Father for forgiving me...I love you....In Jesus Name.....
if you said that with a humble heart and are truly sorry for your are forgiven....and you will start to notice changes in your life....get yourself a Bible and read the Word....and now everything will be understandable.....
He is coming for those who are looking for Him, in the clouds, and will catch away the believers when He comes to earth He will come as King of Kings and Lord of Lords