What are these small painful white pimple looking dots on my penis shaft. NOT ON THE HEAD, but on my shaft...?

please help... (not for me, its for a friend!!)


Favorite Answer

My fiancee just had the EXACT same symptoms. It sounds like the first stage of herpes. First you get redness & swelling with burning or itching... then you develop white raised pimple like bumps filled with "puss" type liquid... then they break open into circular open sores... and finally scab over. Sometimes the symptoms go away on their own and sometimes they reoccur. If it IS herpes you will always have the virus in your body so practice safe sex and use protection. First and most importantly visit your doc to verify this is what you have... it will ease your mind. Hope this helps!


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tell your friend that It could be herpes or it could be genital warts. Either way, its something that needs to be checked out. If it is one of the 2 STDs i mentioned you need to know so that you can prevent giving it to someone else.


I have mine over masterbating and it burns. Is that hepes? And should I pop them.


it might be herpes. u should get it checked out

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