Are you sick or getting sick?

I woke up this morning with a sore throat and sinuses driving me mad and as the day progresses I am feeling a bit crappier. I hate being sick!!


Grundle!!!!! Where have you been, my love???!!!


and now i've sneezed like 10 times in the past hour...


and now i've sneezed like 10 times in the past hour...

♣Quatro by Quatro♠2008-05-07T10:18:52Z

Favorite Answer

you clearly need a deep throat massage....

Rhiannon Lost at Sea2008-05-07T10:21:02Z

no I haven't been sick in a couple of years. but everyone in my office is. one girl had some kind of respitory infection although it didn't stop her from going to Hawaii !! and another is out sick due to strep throat that she got from kissing her ex bf. another girl is not feeling to great right now and is asking everyone for aspirin. maybe something is going around.


Recovering sick.

mr j2008-05-07T10:19:13Z

does battling allergies all summer count? the only effective thing that i've found so far is taking vitamin C every morning, sometimes more often than that. lol

Bubs 22008-05-07T10:17:29Z

I think i'm getting sick, i get probably enough sleep, but am still exhausted all the time

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