Can I find all the parts I need at Radio Shack to build my own Quad Laser???

Just curious...


Favorite Answer

lol no!

Why bother.

You can get everything you need from

Plus if you use express shipping you can receive your order by Wednesday.

FYI The Revenginator could not be more wrong.

­ revenginator ✘ is still alive2008-05-10T21:26:26Z

The quad laser moves way too slow, you can just step out of its path pretty easily. You'd be better off going after people with an egg beater.


Dont go to radio Shack, their stuff is junk. The thing will probably blow up on you or go on a sporadic killing spree. Go to a combo of stores like Best Buy, Circuit City, Lowes, a stereo shop, and automobile shop. Custom built is far better than Radio Sh1t.


I guess I'm low-tech because I use an ax. And I don't even have to get close to hurt someone....the sharp part is attached with duct tape and goes flying off when you swing.


You'll need my homemade kitchen gadget robot to test-fire it first...

Because something has to be done about all 'dem damn hairy shaggy Bigfoots out there scaring the begeezus out of all the paranoid paramilitary camps, and the bears by their deaths, who give meaning and purpose to their isolated gunpowder and chaw spit lives...

Hey...ya gotta' use high technology for the good of the community, you know what I mean...




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