Are you able to listen to other religious prospectives different from your own?


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yes, although it's hard sometimes to do so with a straight face


Absolutely, I enjoy hearing other prospectives, ideas and I learn a lot about not only where they are coming from but also how they got to where they are. I even learn about myself. A closed mind is a breeding ground for ignorance,which is never a good thing. I must be honest though I DO NOT consider scientology to be a religion. I have learned about very many religions, I took a course in college about the study of religions in general, what struck me was how much they all have in common. With the exception of scientology, one thing that is a constant is that you can't buy your way into whatever afterlife you believe in, if any. I KNOW HOW THEIR "AUDITS" WORK . it amounts to as much . When possible we should all hear others points of view though. pooky

Cheryl E2008-05-11T15:49:59Z

Sure, I can listen and find validity in other religious perspectives. However, when I look at the entire spectrum of beliefs I always come back to my own. It gives me everything I need. There are aspects of other religions that I cannot agree with even though they have some good ideas.


Yes and I've always sought to do so. My husband is an atheist, I was Catholic and now am a theistic Buddhist and my stepson is Jewish. I have a mini cosmos of listening to what other people believe.


Yes, I can listen to other perspectives on things, usually, especially if they aren't presented in a condescending and /or arrogant way.

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