Velvet Cobweb
Favorite Answer
A religion that does not harm others in the name of that religion, that does not force converts, and that does not cause harm to those that follow it, I suppose.
Many religions qualify. But I guess it's important to remember that people who follow a certain religion don't necessarily represent its ideals.
there is not a single religion out there that isn't controversial as you say
The religion kept only to ones own self.
The bad religion is the wrong one.
Lucifel Prince Of Darkness
religion is a primitive form or prescribed ethical and moral code.. since its primitiveness and unsubstantiated foundations...its devoid of reason and logic.... but though unsubstantiated... its one's own freewill to choose one or neither of the many options available....
but keeping in mind ...a religion which is based on strong philosophies and at the least tries to reason in its own terms... and is not aggressive on its views ....and commands my respect as an atheist as an ancient philosophical moral code... is Buddhism.
they r basically "live and let live people"