How can you find out if you have reported questions correctly?

I report what I perceive as violations of guidelines regularly, and have wondered how my standing is. Am I reporting correctly? How can I find out my "standing" in the community? Is there a way to find out if I have reported a bunch and my standing is such that I will not have any effect on an incorrect post?


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I add questions I report to my WatchList (the last widget under the question opens a menu with that as the top item).

You can see your WatchList in your Profile page. When a question is removed, it's greyed out, with a notation that it was removed. You can then remove it from your WatchList.

There's no direct way to know your "standing" but it does give some idea; and it's really satisfying to go to your WatchList and see a bunch of sludge all greyed out and labeled "This question has been removed."


no, you can't at least not a notification from Yahoo stating that you are. However if you report a question or answer and you don't see where it's deleted then maybe you're not a reliable reporter or there was NOT enough people to report it.