One of the most amusing things I have seen on Youtube?

It is just amusing!


Yeah, I have seen horses run the fence line before when cars or cyclist past - but have never seen one jump the fence and join the herd!


John R - I noticed he was out in front very quickly....think cyclists were trying to 'draft' him?


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my question is ,did he get the yellow jersey? he looked like he was having fun but i bet some of those cyclists were suprised when he showed up to set a new pace.


Hahaha! Love it!

Thanks for sharing

The best part of it was that the horse was beating most of the cyclists LOL!


That's crazy! Scared me when I saw him bobble over the fence. But he was obviously alright since he made it to the front of the "stampede" pretty fast!
I hope he made it home.....I bet he slept well that night!


Show that to people who think horses don't like to race!!!

What a hoot - when he wentdown over the jump it was scary, but then running free over the bridge was awesome!


one of my favorite horsey youtube videos is "if the west were won on shetland ponies" and World's Most Amazing horse. The most amazing horse one is hilarious I'll have to find the links and post both when I get home. Work has us blocked form gettign on youtube

OMG I FINALLY got to watch it that was freakin AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!

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