What do lesbians mean when they say they knew about their sexual orientation from a very early age?

I have heard individuals say that they realized they were lesbian when they were 6 or 7, or 9 or 10 . What exactly do they mean? I am sure I never heard of the possiblity at that age, and kids that age don't really know what sexual orientation is. Also, kids do all kinds of little experiments with whomever is around, girls and boys.

Do they mean that once they knew they were lesbian, they could trace the roots of it back to that age or to some feeling or incident, or do they literally mean that they knew at the moment that they were attracted to females in a sexual way as opposed to males?

And--please excuse my ignorance--if sexual orientation is established in an individual from a very early age, due to genetics, biology, etc., then do all true lesbians necessarily know from an early age that they are so?

Niki Bernier2008-05-13T09:13:12Z

Favorite Answer

Once a homosexual realizes that he or she is gay/lesbian all of their thoughts and unexplained tensions finally come together. Now, they realize when they 6, 7, 8, etc, why they were so in tune to the same sex. Some may know that they were gay/lesbian at an early age but most individuals do not know what all those feelings are until they fully come out and can understand it all.

Does that make sense to you?

So I guess to answer your question, most people do not know at such an early age. However, once they are older and realize they are gay or lesbian, all of their thoughts, crushes, attractions, feelings finally make sense!


Kids that age most definitely know what they are attracted to. I remember when I was around 7 thinking Playboy magazine was awesome. It was not curiosity. I found naked women attractive.

I think that people who are in touch with their own personality know what their sexual orientation is right around that age. Therefore, a girl will know whether she is attracted to women or men right around the 7 year mark.


More then likely they are meaning what you have mentioned that they can trace it back o something that happened to them @ that age 'cause for me I came to realize it when I was about 13 but up until then I didn't have any real interest in either sex @ all.


idk, i cant explain it. i knew from a very early age too. i was 5 yrs old though. i realized (thanks to my brother) that i was always shy and flirty around my friend Ana and i wrestled and did all the tomboy things around guys.
I wasn't "sexually" attracted to ana, i just wanted to do the typical little kid thing and kiss her. because when u are a little kid, kissing is like the ultimate thing. Its like when u are an adult (sumtimes a teenager) sex is as far as u could possibly go, thats what kissing is like for 5 yr olds and stuff.
ya know?


Simply what is says.