Camping at Cabrillo?

My daughter's scout troop is camping this weekend at the beach and they say they are camping at Cabrillo in San Pedro. She said it was the same place as the aquarium, I thought, and something about using Boy Scouts facilities, and I think there's a pool where they'll be. I thought I understood what she meant, but as far as I can figure, there is no camping at Cabrillo. I've been there several times and looked it up as well. I have to pick my kid up early from the campout and I can't work out where to go or figure how early I have to arrive to be able to get in and out again. I'll call the troop leader this evening for more info, but for now... does anyone here have any insights on the whole matter, beach camping, hours, sites that fit the description?

Capt. Obvious2008-05-14T14:50:07Z

Favorite Answer

It's at 3000 Shoshonean Road, San Pedro, CA at the Cabrillo Beach Youth Waterfront Sports Center. Girl Scouts use it, too.

It's strictly for youth groups, and the occasional campout. No public camping allowed.


It used to be a boy scout camp(it was part of Ft MacArther lower resevation base) before they built the marina.Of course that was in the late 70's early 80's.They might still have a section set aside for scouts or camping,as the land had been donated to the B.S.A. at one time.The care taker "skipper is probably dead by now,but boy were those good times when it was still just a sea mud flat/beach.Talk to the scout leader,he probably has the info.


camping cabrillo