Whats with the writers at OLTL?

Do they think we forgot that Marcie stole Todds son, and wanted him to have no contact with him, then today shes all up in Gigi's face telling her she needs to tell Rex about Shane? Just a little hipocritcal, don't you think?


I new someone would bring up that Todd is evil. What does that have to do with him knowing who his son is?


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yeah u are absolutely right, but GiGi called her out on that for a second but apologized. It doesnt matter how evil a father may be, they deserve to know they have a child. If that parent isnt fit to be a parent, then you do something about it. I'm sure that Marcy knows what she did was wrong and maybe this his her way of getting rid of guilt


Marci thought she legally adopted Tommy....and she did. She had no idea at the time it was Todd's son. She loved that little boy and was desperate to keep him. Todd did have a right to know long before he found out. Rex, Adrianna, even Mike knew. As for Gigi, they're friends and Marci is looking out for Gigi's feelings toward Rex and knows telling Rex about Shane is the right thing to do no matter what.


There's a big difference since you can't compare Rex to Todd in regard to their personality and environment in which they promote and knowing Rex, Rex will forgive Gigi and will allow her to have Shane live with her while he visit and bond with his son for limitless hours. Rex would never file for sole custody. The only reason why Adriana is having this Bridezilla-like mood swings is because look at what kind of mother she has for a womanly role model and look how Dorian's relationships have ended and they needed some type of explanation they could excuse for the sudden exit of Melissa Gallo, the actress that portrays her.


I personally agree with you. During the entire ordeal between Todd/Sam/Marcie, I was rooting for Todd.
You can say what you want about Todd...its all true. But the fact remains that that man has been to hell and back in the last 4 years.

It began with Margeret Cochran....she kidnapped him, raped him, kidnapped Blair..almost killed her, assulted Starr..and then disappeared. When she did come back she was preggers and tormented Todd with that info. Then she teamed up with Spencer Truman....Enter Spencer...who tried to destroy Todd...and almost cost Todd..his life...(Lethal injection). Then when that didn't work....Spencer hid his son.
Todd had already been through hell and now he had to go on the search of a life time. Having to hire a PI (REX) whos search led him all the way to Thailand. On top of all that after Rex took all of Todds money and located his son, Rex decided to play god and keep Todd from Tommy (Sam).

And now it is Rex's turn....

Karma's a ***** ain't it.

Marcie, Rex, Michael, Gigi...have no right to judge Todd. His demons are his and his conflicts are with the people he did wrong. None of them happen to be the 4 mentioned above (well at least not intill they kept him from his kid).

People who judge with self-righteousness.....always get theirs in the end...and usually end up loosing what they THINK the deserve. Case in point...Marcie and Tommy.

God Bless Todd.....may he and his family find some peace....at some
point I hope

Screw the rest of them...they are getting what they deserve!

stefani h2008-05-15T08:11:15Z

Jen is right. They did explain that Rex is a good man. Marcie is good on the show. People talk to her and trust her. She is needed to get the dish from everyone else.

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