Poll: About eyesight, vision, etc.... ??

1. How many times have you been poked in the eye today with a giant smoked sausage?

2. How does being poked in the eye multiple times with a giant smoked sausage affect one's vison?

and finally,

3. How do you get all of the juices out of your eye after you are all finished, without losing your vision?

* asking for a friend *
Serious answers only, please.

The Cat2008-05-16T09:39:43Z

Favorite Answer

Seriously? sigh.....
I have not been poked TODAY with a giant smoked sausage.
The animal oils from the sausage will get into the eye and cause a blurriness that takes a while to subside.
And finally, the only way to get the oils out of your eye quicker than just letting them dissolve is by using Dawn dishwashing liquid,. It'll hurt like hell and your vision will return in about a day or two....maybe...
Tell your friends that giant sausages are meant to be poked into other places on the body, not the eyes. I mean, you could poke someones eye out with that thing!

🐭 cat™ 🐭2008-05-17T22:48:10Z

1) I haven't seen a giant smoked sausage in the 9 lives of a cat. So my answer is zero.

2) Well, it really depends on how hard you're poked in the eye. If you're slamming that sausage into the eye, you'll probably kiss your vision away for a while if not forever.

3) Do you want to retrieve the eye juices or the sausage juices? I'm confused. Might as well get a mixture of both juices, so take a tiny sponge and gently soak all you can get from the eye, then squeeze out the sponge into your cat bowl or other appropriate receptacle.

k9mom ♥s my Nora dog2008-05-17T22:28:06Z

Well, I haven't been poked with a giant smoked sausage today, but that doesn't mean it hasn't happened before, and lots, at that. I found the eye is just enother orifice in wich to absorb nutrition from the sausage, much like belly buttones, noses and ears. I simple little saline eye drop will make the eye good as knew once you've receive the proper nutrition via the eye.

It can be complicated, especially for people trying this for the first time. I would not try this at home alone the first few times.

By the way, did you know your eyeballs have taste buds?


I can thankfully say that I was not poked in the eye today with a giant smoked sausage and unfortunately, I was not poked anywhere else with one either. I would imagine that multiple pokes to the eye with a giant smoked sausage would cause intense burning due to all the salt in the sausage, not to mention the rigidness of it. As far as getting juices out of your eye without losing your vision, try using eye wash or douche. Good luck to your friend.

P.S. - Is he/she Polish??


I have not been poked in the eye with a giant sausage today and I would say it would cause a lot of pain if you were and you would need to wash your eye out and maybe even see an eye Dr which would be terrible. I hate going to the eye Dr Wonder.

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