I've been with my boyfriend for 2 years and his first love back when he was 15 passed away a couple of months before we met. We're expecting a child in August. She lived with him when they were dating (they were young, she was 16 when she died). Some of her clothes are still in a basket in the back of our closet and I don't know if i should say anything about it.
They broke up 7-8 months before she died. (she was shot by her boyfriend at the time). My boyfriend still has a studio picture of her and her sisters that he keeps in his wallet but i don't mind because she's dead.
Oh god, i don't know what to do. That's his first love but isn't it kind of creepy some of her clothes are still in the back of our closet? And i kind of need that part of the closet with all the clothes i have and a baby on the way.
What should i do and how do i bring it up without causing a argument?
Favorite Answer
wow.. that's alot that he went thru.. she's passed and he's moved on... you both are expecting a baby on the way.. be nice and be respectful and tell him that you know those are his ex girlfriend's clothes.. tell him you dont mind him having it but if he can stored it up and put it somewhere else so you can have some room to put the babys clothes.... if he gets mad or anything.. just say i know you want to keep it and i dont mind.. can you just put it in a safer place so i dont see it... hope this help you out...
I don't know how old you are but I'm guessing young. I have alot of opinions on this but will try to get to the point. Losing someone you love no matter whether you were"together" or not is one of the most emotionally altering things that can happen. it's horrible. has he said he doesn't wan them moved? or is he being just a typical young guy, not thinking. If he has asked they not be gotten rid of then you need to approach it respectfully and ask if you can out them in a different place. Do not do battle on this or you will look small and jealous over a dead girl. if the house isn't a shrine to her and her and he acts as if he loves you get over it. She's dead. If you REALLY need the space, ask if you can put them in a box under the bed or something. If you're not being compared to her or mistreated because of her then it's time to just grow up. Sorry, but life is tough and this is just a flak in storm of life. It's not a big deal if you're not being mistreated.
I suggest you point blank talk to him about it, don't skirt around the 'issue', but be sensitive with the words you use, the tone of your voice, and your body language. You can suggest a better place for the objects, as well... and most likely a place that won't damage the clothing.
( A really off the wall suggestion - My grandmother used to cut up our baby clothes and make quilts out of them. Maybe that could be something that would have the sentiment in the home, not take up space you and the baby need, and keep the good memories alive. )
Give him time...you know that you never forget your first love.
Maybe there are issues that he never got the closure her needed. He is with you now so really as long as he isn't taking these things out and going through them, there really isn't a problem. He may not even realize that they are there or the implications of having them.
You should talk to him about them. Not in a way that you are asking him to throw them out but try to get to know her through him. If you can get him to talk about her and he knows that you are comfortable with all of it...it may allow him to get comfortable enough to get rid of the stuff. If it goes well, why not suggest that he give the things back to her parents? Or donate the clothes.
You have to talk about it. You are beginning a new chapter in your lives...Let him know that it is OK to close the old one. It doesn't meant that he cannot keep the memories
Ask him if it's okay to move the clothes to make room for the baby..tell him you're not trying to get rid of them if he doesn't want you to and if he wants to keep them, then he can store them somewhere else, but you do need room for the baby and any extra room would help a lot.
as long as youre not speaking mean about her, i don't see how he could be offended. if he is, then tell him you'll try to talk to him again when he's calmed down and later ask what exactly upsets him about the clothes being moved.