Don't know where else to ask?

But I wondered why you look forward to waking up. Even asking, it seems callous and deflating, but I could care less either way anymore. I ask here b/c I was never like this until a few years ago (quite the opposite, actually). My world is pretty miserable. What's worth waking up for, something that supercedes the brutal world I see every day I wake up?


Favorite Answer

You have to provide your own light in the darkness.
No one else is going to do it for you.

Remind yourself of what you love,
and do that.


It seems as if you may be suffering from depression - which often has medical causes. There are treatments available that many people find to be helpful. Check with your doctor about that. It also seems that you could use some hope. Many years ago I felt that life was not worth living, too. But this is what helped pull me through - realizing that God loved me, & had a wonderful plan for my life. So I gave my life to Jesus Christ. He forgave my sins, turned my life around for the better, and gave me real hope. I'm not saying that my life suddenly became a "bed of roses" - but God helps you through the tough times, if you let Him. He'll be your best friend. It's all about relationship, not religion. Get a Bible, and start reading in the Book of John - all the answers you seek are right there. I wish you all the best!

Laptop Jesus 3.92008-05-17T06:26:31Z

You might be suffering from depression. One of the symptoms is waking up feeling like that. It's not just "the blues" but a real chemical imbalance in your brain. There are some presciptions that can help balance your serotonin levels so you can feel like the you that you used to be.


How about the knowledge that you are a very real and significant part of the present. You decisions and actions have a real and lasting effects in the world. You are a part of creation, and were given the ability to create. So create yourself a life based on good decisions and cheer up, life rarely stays one way for long.


It is not bad to grieve over evil things, you are still alive and you can do your own share to shine that little light. You just have to find your purpose and the meaning of your time here on earth.

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