Another Australian math question.?

Here's a bit of maths to think about.
When decimal currency came in, in February 1966, these items were the same price -- 33 cents (converted from 3 shillings & fourpence):

Gallon of petrol (4.5 litres to the imperial gallon)
Packet of 20 cigarettes
One large bottle of beer (ie price of box of 12 'largies' 740ml bottles divided by 12)

What's gone up the most over the last 40 years?
Not petrol. Surprised?


Favorite Answer

The Ciggies? You pay more per cigarette then you did in 1966, by comparison the other things are more bulky.


I'd have to guess the cigarettes. But in 1966, we didn't know that they killed you. Knowing that wasn't enough of an incentive for people to stop smoking, hence the price hike.

Nothing hurts like the back pocket!