i want a penpal in a different part of the world but i want a safer way to find one than a chatroom.?
i want them to be the same age as me (13) and like i want to be able to write to them or even tlk to them over the internet. Any ideas of where i cn get a penpal from?
Favorite Answer
ask your principal if something can be created for this.
be very, very careful of who you meet on the internet. have your parents clued in on everything.
When I was your age I got one through a show called the big blue marble. It being called that to resemble the world's look.
I don't know if that's around anymore but google it. I am middle aged now and my friend (first pen pal then) and I have had contact still for over 30 years now. It's great and we have shared alot. Her travels and my daughter growing up,etc.
Otherwise ask around to others and see if they have options. Best to avoid online as some can be pretending they are from another part of the world and you have no way to know.