I have an upcoming clinic with Karen O'Connor that I am very excited about. I have never had a clinic with her before. Can anyone tell me what her teaching style is like? Is she really technical? Does she have any pet peeves that I should avoid? Any information on what to expect would be great.
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I never clinicked with Karen, but I stayed with she and David for a few weeks when my trainer and I brought our horses down from Washington to train and compete on the East Coast. She is a nice woman with a killer sense of humor (her two dogs wer having wild sex, and she had to separate the male from the female... it was hilarious...) but she is clear and to-the-point. I watched her do a schooling round on Teddy out in the field for his owners, and she got on, got right to work, and didn't waste any time. I highly recommend coming with very clean tack, neat and respectful attire, and a willingness to WORK.
I have never taken a clinic with Karen O'Connor before, but i take a lot of clinics and lessons with instructors and teach others myself. I would offer this:
Go there with an open mind and a closed mouth. You are there to learn, so leave any ego at the door. Meaning, don't be afraid to tell your instructor if you don't understand what they are asking or need to communicate what the horse feels like under you, but don't offer back things like "my other instructor told me to do it this way", "I can't", "my horse won't". Give whatever she's offering you an honest to goodness try.
You're paying that good money to get better not tell folks what you already know! Have fun!!!
I'm with the person above me! She is absolutley wonderful though! It all depends on your type of riding with wether or not you like her. She really can teach you a lot. Even if you don't agree with everything she tells you. This is an opportunity to find some new things from her that maybe you do like and add them to your training and riding style. Everyone has there own style and she can DEFINITLY help you find some things to add into it! I'm so excited for you!!!! Have fun!!!